Civic Engagement.

Protect and enhance voting rights and fair representation

NAACP Mid-Manhattan Civic Engagement Chair: 

Leilani Irvin 

The Civic Engagement Committee works to ensure voter empowerment by providing awareness, training, and programmatic support to ensure voter registration, education, administration, and election protection.

In 2020, Black voters and the issues that directly impact our communities will play a critical role in elections and ultimately decide the fate of our country. Now more than ever, we must strategize and organize Black voters at the local and national level to increase our power at the polls.

This committee’s mission is to reverse the trend in communities of color being undercounted in the census. Currently, this committee’s primary duty is not only to educate but to ensure that every single individual in marginalized communities are counted. Getting counted and remaining civically engaged is a form of protest.

In partnership with the New York State and The New York City Census agency, we have hosted a series of teach-ins, trainings and workshops for community members at large.


Help your community by becoming a volunteer with the NAACP.

The NAACP has developed a nonpartisan voter empowerment program designed to empower African Americans and people of color by increasing awareness and participation in the electoral process.

The Civic Engagement Committee will support the mission of the NAACP to ensure political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination, through implementing the following initiatives:

Increase voter registration and voting;

  • Enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of people of color;

  • Repeal of racially discriminatory legislation;

  • Monitor all proposed legislation that affect people of color

The Committee is nonpartisan and does not endorse candidates for public office.

NAACP NYS 84th Annual Convention Civic Engagement Workshop


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